Bike Accidents

Protecting & Representing Cyclists Involved in Accidents

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 600 people are killed in bicycle accidents every year in the United States, and more than 60,000 are seriously injured. If you or someone you love were the victim of a bicycle accident, do not wait to speak with an experienced Atlanta bicycle accidents lawyer from our office for help.

Some of Common Causes of Bike Accidents in Georgia are:

  • A driver failing to look both ways before pulling out of the parking lot, side street, or driveway
  • A driver failing to look before opening their car door when they are parked on a street
  • A driver failing to yield to a cyclist in a crosswalk
  • A driver attempting to make a right turn while a cyclist is sharing the lane
  • A driver rear-ending a cyclist

If you have been involved in a bicycle accident, you may be entitled to compensation. The first step is to seek experienced legal representation. Our legal team can advise you of your rights in the event of an unwarranted injury and can investigate the validity of your case.

As a Cyclist, You Have Rights

Cyclists have all the same rights and privileges as motorists in the state of Georgia. There are also some additional traffic laws that both motorists and cyclists must abide by. 

Some include:

  • § 40-6-397 forbids motorists from harassing cyclists
  • The 3-feet rule asks motorists to allow at least three feet between their vehicle and the bicycle when passing
  • In many areas, it is illegal for cyclists to ride on sidewalks. See Atlanta's Sidewalk Ordinance (Sec. 150-210) for more information
  • § 40-6-294(a) requires cyclists to ride as far to the right of the roadway as possible except when turning left or avoiding hazards in the road
  • Bicyclists should steer clear of parked cars to avoid "dooring" accidents

Please give us a call today for your consultation regarding bike accidents.

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